Race against time

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Hardly to fly away without feathers. You've got more than what you can ever imagine.


2 Responses to “Race against time”

  1. Anonymous Anoniem 

    hi mas paul,
    'pa kabar...?!
    akhirnya setelah sekian lama, blogspot mu diurus lagi. way to go!

    koleksi foto mu kan banyak yang bagus2 tuh, udah tau/dengar mengenai myphoto album (www.myphotoalbum.com) belum?

    simpan aja fotomu disana, bisa ikutan contest juga loh. nanti aku voting buat foto mu deh :)

    (hehe...sori yah ini mah bukan comment, panjang bener)

  2. Blogger Ompol 

    hehe iya. belom tau tuh myphoto. thanks anyway.

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